First Visit

Group staff photo

Your initial appointment will consist of a professional cleaning by your hygienist, along with x-rays, color and periodontal charting.  A full and detailed examination will be done by Dr. Kramer complete with an oral cancer screening.  Patient concerns will also be addressed at this time.

Please assist us by providing the following information at the time of your appointment:

  • Your x-rays if applicable.  A panoral or full mouth series of x-rays can be of use for up to 3-5 years.  Bite wing x-rays are usually taken once a year.  If your previous office has any current x-rays, we will need to have them at our office at your initial visit with us. If not, it is our policy to have an up to date set of x-rays on file for you and a full mouth series will be taken.
  • A list of medications you are presently taking.
  • If you have dental insurance, please bring your card or a copy of your card with you, to your initial visit.  We will use your dental insurance information to file your claim for you on your behalf.

IMPORTANT: A parent or guardian must accompany all patients under the age of 18 at their first appointment whether it is a consult or an initial cleaning.

Please alert the office if you have require medication prior to dental cleaning.  (i.e. antibiotics or “pre-med.).  Antibiotics are necessary if you have recently had a surgery where an artifical joint has been placed.